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What is Maslow's Hierarchy of School Needs?

Different levels on a hierachy, which determines if a student will be able to reach " self- actualization". It gives the basic stages and the student must meet all needs to move up to the next level. If those needs aren't met , it is impossible for the student to reach the next stage. The student will not be focused on school and may have difficulty with development. 



What affects the student's psychological development and ablility to learn while in school?

Genetics, Enviornmental influences, parenting styles, friends, teachers, schools, and culture. 



What can the student gain for educational experiences? 

“ A child’s genetic background will influence his ability to learn, but good educational experiences can enhance these abilities” explains how a child with a may struggle with learning but can overcome that drawback through experiences with teachers and classmates.  



How do peers affect the student? 

Since students spend so much time in school, it is almost natural that other students make a huge difference on the child’s psychological development. The social experiences brought forth by peers help shape the student’s values. It gives them a sense of belonging, which allows them to take a step closer to reaching Self- Actualization on Maslow’s hierarchy of School needs. 






How does culture affect the Student? 

According to, No matter what the child’s surrounding culture might be, the parental strategies used are designed to produce children who can meet the goals and expectations of the culture in which they live. 


For more information on how culture and enviornmental influences affects the student , please check out the hypothetical tabs! 

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